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Holy Trinity School

Music Bandz: Instrumental Group for Beginners (Years 3-6)

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Autumn Term:  18 Sept - 4 Dec
Spring Term: 15 Jan - 26 March
Summer Term: 30 Apr - 9 July

Number of classes: minimum of 10 lessons per term
Day: Wednesday
Class Time: 8:30-9:00am
Who can join: Years 3-6
Level: Beginners. This class is taught at a slow and deliberate pace for children who are complete beginners. They can play either the recorder (please note your must bring your own) or xylophone (provided for in the class).  No previous musical experience required. 

Payment:  £20 per month is payable via a rolling direct debit

Find out more about Music Bandz and check out the calendar for Events

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